Gen3: Our 2024 Vision for Generative AI

A text & vision AI system that emulates content understanding and risk assessment.

Generation 3: 2024


At Cognitiv+, we are dedicated to advancing the realm of Artificial Intelligence in corporate documents. Throughout 2024, we will dive deeply into two fundamental aspects: Large Language Models (LLMs) and ChatBots. Our mission consists of three main pillars: utilizing existing LLMs for summarizing contracts and clauses, fine-tuning our proprietary Legal-LLM on contractual records, and designing a conversationally adept ChatBot. This article elucidates our planned explorations and accomplishments in each area.

Utilizing Existing LLMs for Contract Summarization

Pretrained Large Language Models, such as Claude, Falcon, LLaMa, PaLM, and Vicuna 33B, exhibit an incredible aptitude for text summarization tasks. By capitalizing on these models, we aim to:

  1. Perform extractive summarization, pinpointing salient phrases directly from the original contract text.
  2. Implement abstractive summarization, producing condensed yet insightful renditions of contracts.
  3. Compare summaries generated by LLMs with those created by humans to gauge performance.

Code Snippet:

import torch
from transformers import PegasusTokenizer, PegasusForConditionalGeneration

tokenizer = PegasusTokenizer.from_pretrained('google/pegasus-large')
model = PegasusForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained('google/pegasus-large')
input_text = 'Insert entire contract text here...'
inputs = tokenizer(input_text, return_tensors='pt', truncation=True, padding="longest")
summary = model.generate(inputs['input_ids'], max_length=150, min_length=50, early_stopping=True)

Fine-tuning Legal-LLM on Contractual Documents

Drawing inspiration from successful endeavors like GEN2, our objective entails fine-tuning a Legal-LLM on voluminous collections of contractual records, notably EURLex and EDGAR. This process intends to bolster accuracy in tasks such as:

  1. Entity recognition: Identifying names of entities, roles, and titles.
  2. Keyword spotting: Detecting important keywords and phrases.
  3. Classification: Distinguishing contract categories, sections, and subsections.

Comparative analyses against custom models will determine if these fine-tuned LLMs surpass incumbent performances.

Designing a Sophisticated ChatBot Interface

Interactive user experiences are paramount in garnering acceptance and fostering seamless integration of AI-based solutions. Hence, we envision a ChatBot engineered to:

  1. Retrieve detailed information pertinent to the contracts, such as party names, obligations, and duration.
  2. Generate lucid summarizations devoid of excessive legalese, easing user comprehension.
  3. Compare summaries generated by LLMs with those created by humans to gauge performance.

Example ChatBot Script:

USER: Which are the contract parties?
CHATBOT: Sure, according to the agreement, the contract parties are XYZ Corp. and ABC Inc. Would you like to know something else?

Addressing Challenges: Prompts and Infrastructure

Integrating LLMs into our infrastructure warrants careful consideration of numerous facets, particularly prompt construction and pipelines. Building compatible pipelines and thoughtfully curated prompts can substantiate distinctions between average and exceptional outcomes derived from LLMs. Furthermore, these steps demand concerted attention to:

  1. Input formatting and normalization: Standardizing raw inputs to render them palatable for consumption by LLMs.
  2. Output filtering and enhancement: Refining outputted data to guarantee relevancy, correctness, and presentation style.
  3. Model selection and optimization: Choosing appropriate LLMs to match specific use cases and honing their efficiencies accordingly.

Cost-effective Summarization Techniques

Summarizing elaborate contracts calls for copious human effort, frequently accompanied by steep price tags. As a result, we venture to embrace creative alternatives, including:

  1. Semi-automatic summarization: Blending manual intervention and automated techniques to produce summaries economically.
  2. Transfer learning: Repurposing pre-trained models to augment summarization capabilities swiftly and affordably.
  3. Knowledge graph generation: Constructing concise visual representations to convey crucial contract facts succinctly.


In 2024, Cognitiv+ strives to reshape the legal Contract AI and Document Intelligence landscape by merging Large Language Models with ChatBots. Through diligent exploration and targeted implementations, we aspire to amplify accuracy, streamline interactions, and decrease operating expenses. Ultimately, we aim to deliver intelligent, user-friendly Contract AI solutions primed to serve diverse industries and applications.


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